But goods vehicles could see the speed limit increase on single and dual carriageways by 10mph.
The First Minister has met the family of Nairn banker Alistair Wilson, whose murder remains unsolved after more than two decades.
The public has until February 25 to make their views known as critics slam the scheme as a waste of money.
Scottish Government failures on social care are being blamed for landing the Highlands and Islands NHS with a £154 million bill over the last decade.
Highland Council consultation to be launched on Monday on making lower limits permanent in region
A multi-million pound rise in anti-diabetes medication spending at NHS Highland highlights the need tor better prevention measures, an MSP has argued.
Four Highland chambers of commerce have united to voice strong opposition to the proposed introduction of a regional “tourist tax” scheme.
Highland Council unanimously backs the move after region lost 218 beds in two years.
Councillor Helen Crawford says ‘people are starting to say that the education committee is dysfunctional’.
A bid to improve information triggered a furious reaction from administration councillors.