Scottish Government failures on social care are being blamed for landing the Highlands and Islands NHS with a £154 million bill over the last decade.
NHS Highland and Highland Council have agreed to proposed changes in how care is delivered in communities.
A service that helps NHS Highland cut hospital waiting lists is being hailed as a £1 million success.
A multi-million pound rise in anti-diabetes medication spending at NHS Highland highlights the need tor better prevention measures, an MSP has argued.
NHS Highland has been accused of “unacceptable” failures in tackling waiting lists for children needing mental health treatment.
For many of us, it will live up to the traditional warm and family-friendly billing, but for others December 25 is all in a day’s work
Highland Council unanimously backs the move after region lost 218 beds in two years.
High Life Highland has announced plans to appoint new non-executive directors to its boards.
The Highland health board was unique in its adoption of a lead agency model, which gave different powers to each authority.
One of the components of blood, plasma can be used for a range of treatments, including boosting the immune system of cancer sufferers.