Grantown High Street ATM is working and hub is making progress
The Grantown Society has reported positively on progress at the new High Street hub - which is already fulfilling a vital local need with an all-day ATM.
One of the first to make use of the new facility on Tuesday last week was local man Lewis Grant.
At the society, spokesman John Halliday explained that in preparation for the installation, joiners had added more joists to strengthen the floor inside the hub.
“At 9am last Tuesday the ATM was installed and that afternoon G4S delivered the cash.
“A steady flow of customers withdrawing cash is a welcome sight and it has received very positive comments on social media.
“The hub front has had street and window frames cleaned of eight years of sand and grime.
“Colourful flower planters add more colour to the shop front and our High St lamp-post.
“LED lighting has replaced the old strip lights and infra-red radiant heaters will hopefully
provide economic heating.
“Ventilation was also installed for when the showroom is divided in two. Panelling has been fitted on gable wall, ready for the computer equipment to be installed in the internet lounge.”
Unfortunately the society’s bid for funding for a glass partition divider was unsuccessful from
Berryburn Community Fund.
“Other avenues will be explored.”
Wall shelving will be used for promoting ‘Made in Grantown ‘ merchandise, said Mr Halliday.
“Contact with local artisans has been positive and will be a welcome source of passive income on a regular basis.”
He confirmed that “a lot has been achieved in three months, tranforming the former Hydro showroom to a community Hub.”
But there is still a lot to do and anyone who wants to volunteer to keep things moving in the right direction can email Mr Halliday at: