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LAWSON Treasured memories of a dear dad, granda and great-granda, Ernie, who died 31st December, 2015 and fondest memories of Tracey. Always in our thoughts. (Wendy, Paul and family xx)
MARSHALL In loving memory of Kathleen, who passed away on 26th December, 2007. Forever in our thoughts. (Alex and family)
MARSHALL In loving memory of a dear sister and aunt, Kathleen, who passed away on 26th December, 2007. Always in our thoughts and lovingly remembered every day. (Lally, Nan, Jean and families)
GRANT William MacKenzie (Willie), died 28th December, 2011. Always in our hearts and thoughts. (Love Jeannie, James, Jamie and Max)
GRANT Treasured memories of a dear sister and aunt, Margaret, who died 15th December, 2013. Silent thoughts of times together, Hold memories that last forever. (Helen and families).
GRANT (Calder) Cherished memories of our mam/nana, Margaret, who died 15th December, 2013. Remembered and cherished every day. Love you, (Wendy, Debbie, Craig and families xxx)
RILEY Treasured memories of Eric, passed away 9th December, 1994, dearly loved husband of Margaret.
GRAY Stella Your presence we miss, Your memory we treasure; Loving you always, In our thoughts forever. (Stella, Lorraine, Kay and family)
GRANT Gavin 19-11-2018 Time cannot heal the heartache, Or stop the silent tears; It won't take away the memory, Of one we love so dear. Miss you always (Love Leanne, Billy and the kids)
GRANT Gavin 19-11-2018 Taken far too soon. My mind still talks to you and my heart still looks for you. I miss you so much. Love you forever. (Mum and Brian, xx)
GRANT Gavin The years are passing quickly, The time since you've left has not; Miss you every day (Love Dad, Fiona, Stephanie, Stacey and Bailie xxxx)
WHYTE Loving memories of Patty. Always missed, Always loved, Love endures forever. (Ron and family)
DEMPSTER Ackie (16-11-2002) 20 years have passed dad, Miss you and all your fun and nonsense. Remembering also our sister, Ann, who passed away 11 years ago. Treasured memories of you both. (Love Maree, Alex, Andrew and families)
MACKINTOSH Treasured memories of my husband, William, who slipped away on 10th November, 2009. Until we meet again. (Kathleen)
WILDING Greg Beloved son, brother and uncle, sadly passed on 31st October, 2008. We love and miss you every day. (Mum, Dad, Manfa, Ian, Elise and Natalie)
McDONALD In loving memory of Margaret, died 1st October, 2016. In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true; There is not a day, dear mother, That we do not think of you. (With all our love, George, Kay, Ruairidh and Finlay)
DEMPSTER Lorna Remembering a much loved mum, granny and great-granny, who passed away 2nd October, 2021. Those we love don't go away They walk beside us every day Unseen, unheard but always near Still loved, still missed and very dear From Maree, Alex, Andrew and Families.
DUNLOP Treasured memories of Carol, a wonderful wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, who passed away 3rd October, 2020. Forever in our hearts, Always in our thoughts (Basil and Family).
GRAY Frankie You may be gone from our sight But your never gone from our hearts. Stella, Lorraine, Kay and family)
DUNBAR In loving memory of Norma, taken from us on 29th September, 2021. Time passes, memories stay, Loved and remembered every day. Miss you so much (Stuart, Kevin, Don and families xxx)