Fergus Ewing warns ‘this is unfair to the existing businesses and potentially illegal and unsafe for holiday makers’.
Scottish Labour says ‘This is what privatisation looks like – those who can, pay for a private dentist; those who can’t, suffer’
In the first adjournment debate of new the parliament, he said: ‘17 years of centralisation has wreaked havoc on my part of the world’.
Campaigner Laura Hansler says it is ‘absolutely inexcusable’ that the highest recorded speed was 140 mph.
MP Jamie Stone says ‘the Highlands is the biggest generator of clean, green energy in Scotland, and yet we suffer from a lack of job opportunities’.
He says he has heard ‘horror stories’ but ‘there is not the wit or willpower in the Scottish Government’.
Meanwhile Liberal Democrats head to London to represent the Highlands with a new UK government in place.
Reaction from party after pulling off shock win in Inverness seat
Candidates and supporters at count showed how to behave in testing circumstances on long night
It is understood he and his family are travelling to London
But the botched ballot count means second recount tomorrow
‘Discrepancy’ between verified and provisional total votes can not be reconciled
Deputy First Minister says economic growth has to be put at front and centre of policies
Voters will choose the next MPs for the Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross and the Inverness, Skye and West Ross-shire seats.
The snap election called just six weeks ago sparked a rush to get ready in time.
The snap election called just six weeks ago sparked a rush to get ready in time.
The First Minister was heckled on the campaign trail in Alness and told: ‘This party has ruined Scotland’.
Campaigning in the Highlands he said it is a “further sign of the Conservative Party in abject disarray’.
but figures don’t stack-up and ‘deterioration of the overall network will occur’
The opt-in new partnership seeks to increase contributions to £7500 per MW on top of the £5000 per MW already in place.