The five new bosses will work in areas like education, care, housing, property and health and social care.
Opposition leader Alasdair Christie says ‘the question must be asked what damage or impact is it having on our children’s education.
So far 342 facilities have been screened producing a shortlist of the 40 worst performing buildings for carbon emissions.
Angus MacDonald overcame Drew Hendry in July’s general election increasing his party’s vote share by more than 22 per cent.
Edward Mountain says ‘Going into competition with these businesses is madness’.
Highland Council upheld complaints concerning two other members of staff, one of whom was described as ‘hostile’ to the teenager.
Fergus Ewing warns ‘this is unfair to the existing businesses and potentially illegal and unsafe for holiday makers’.
Fiona Hyslop was speaking after the Scottish Government put in place ‘emergency controls’ on spending.
Fiona Hyslop was speaking after the Scottish Government put in place ‘emergency controls’ on spending.
Transport secretary at the time Jenny Gilruth said it did not represent ‘best value’ prompting an 18 month delay.
Traffic Scotland says the diversion is via the B1952 and lasts about 13 miles for both north and south-bound motorists.
Seven7 Ventures’ Ketan Makwana believes Caledonian Stadium and land around it could attract people from home and abroad if used differently.
Majority shareholder speaks about how club will deal with potential transfers.
Amid ‘conspiracies’ Seventy7 Ventures’s Ketan Makwana says ‘I’m putting my money where my mouth is’.
Opposition parties say they are ‘horrified’ by the move warning of the ‘potentially devastating unintended consequences’.
Problems include a ‘no documentation or scrutiny of the whole discharge planning’ process and a lack of review leading to ‘significant cost impacts’.
The road had to be closed for almost 10 hours to allow for crash scene investigations to be completed.
Services have been cancelled and rerouted via Aberdeen adding hours to journey times.
Three others were also taken to hospital with one man in ‘stable’ condition while two others were checked over following the crash last evening
Lifelong Liverpool fan is not a typical football club owner going by his public social media posts