WATCH: The Inverness Courier A9 Crisis Summit
The broken A9 dualling promise was put back in the spotlight this week as part of The Inverness Courier's ongoing Dual The A9 campaign.
The A9 Crisis Summit took place at Eden Court theatre, where the politician in overall charge of Scotland’s transport system, cabinet secretary Màiri McAllan heard directly from local industry, campaigners and MSPs about the notorious road.
She was joined by top officials from Transport Scotland including interim chief executive Alison Irvine and contracts director Rob Galbraith. The panel included A9 dualling and safety campaigner Laura Hansler, SNP MSP for Inverness and Nairn backbencher Fergus Ewing and Colin Marr, chief executive of Inverness Chamber of Commerce.
The event was heated, with a leading Highland councillor saying that the people of the region are 'fed up with body bags being dragged off the A9'.
The transport minister herself said that she has 'her heart in her mouth' when driving the A9.