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Resort owner HIE provides update on repairs to Cairngorm funicular

Work continues to get the Cairngorm funicular back on track.
Work continues to get the Cairngorm funicular back on track.

Remediation works on the Cairngorm funicular railway are resuming this week with the aim of returning the train into service ‘as soon as possible’.

Crews working for Balfour Beatty had substantially completed an extensive programme to strengthen the 1.8 kilometres viaduct just before Christmas, focusing on the tension of joints, beams and diaphragms.

However, inspections identified areas where further work is required.

A Highlands and Islands Enterprise spokesman said: “Once these items have been addressed, a team of engineers from Swiss funicular specialist Garaventa will arrive at Cairngorm Mountain to carry out rigorous mechanical safety testing and trial operations.

“Following this, the railway will be handed over to resort operator Cairngorm Mountain (Scotland) Ltd for staff training and final preparations before passengers are again welcomed on board.

“While these actions are under way, Cairngorm Estate owner Highlands and Islands Enterprise, which has overall responsibility for the funicular reinstatement programme, will continue to liaise with the Health and Safety Executive.

“HIE aims to ensure the funicular can be returned safely to service as quickly as possible, and will provide a date for its reintroduction once this can be confirmed.”

Highlands MSP Edward Mountain (Scottish Conservative) is less than impressed with the latest announcement.

He said: “I cannot believe that this is the announcement I was waiting for. There is no description of the problem and no timeframe.

“I am lost for words.”

Cairngorm Mountain’s snowsports season opened on 21 December, with manufactured snow providing great conditions in the beginners’ zone.

Anyone planning a visit is advised to check the Cairngorm Mountain website – www.cairngormmountain.co.uk – for the latest weather and operational information.

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