BRICE - The family of the late John Brice wish to thank all those who looked after him so kindly during his all too short stay in Grantown; Barbara McDonald at Woodside Court, the nursing staff at Ian Charles Hospital and the wonderful carers at Lynemore. Grateful thanks also the helpful Co-op staff, to Caroline at "Sandwitches", the "sweetie girls" from the Candy Coo and Marjory at his favourite shop, The Bookmark. Our heartfelt thanks to Father Andrew Harden for such a comforting Mass; to those who were unable to be with us but sent their love, especially John's elder daughter in Australia, Gwen; to Dave and Tim who conveyed over 200 messages of condolence from those John worked with at McDermotts, S.E. Asia. Last, but not least, our gratitude to Lindsay Jack & Son, whose professionalism and meticulous attention to detail was such a comfort to us.